Friday, March 13, 2009

What in the world is the Davis Family doing?

What in the world is the Davis family doing? That seems to be the question these days. Taylor is a senior at MSU Bozeman, Garrett is a junior at MSU Bozeman and Sydney is a Junior at Senior High in Billings... almost empty nesters. We knew we wanted more kids and we had a heart for orphans. We waited till January 2009 to make the decision on what country and through what adoption agency. A lot of prayer went into the next few weeks. Tears were shed and our hearts were broken for the decisions that were about to be made. Here are the events that God took us through...

Garrett had gone to Ethiopia in November 2008. He went to shoot video for Harvest and Journey Church. He was touched by the people of Ethiopia and had a heart for the orphans. Through that trip, Harvest and Journey made the decision to have Christian World Adoption be the placing agency for adoptions. They are also in the process of developing a humanitarian project to help the people of Ethiopia. After Tim got down on one knee the Sunday after Christmas and asked me to be a MOM again, we started the process of the paperwork. We sent in our application on January 2, 2009. We are currently done with our dossier and we just recieved our USCIS approval. We have a referral for two brothers, ages 7ish and 10ish. They are full siblings and both of their parents have died. Their names are Biniyam and Bereket. We will wait until they get here to see what they would like to be called. We are excited and scared all at the same time. We can't wait for them to get here. We are impatient and we would like to go get them tomorrow. We were not done with being parents. We know that at this "half time" in our life that the world is telling us to slow down and think about retiring etc. God is telling us differently.

We will try to keep you updated and let you know how things are going. Please pray with us as we travel through a very exciting journey.


  1. Definitely praying for you guys - and sooooo excited to meet them!!!

  2. Great job on the blog! Love it. We'll be checking it frequently to see more red X's!!! C'mon red X's...
